Good Bye Maya...

Satuday was a very sad day for our family. Maya, our 2 year old quaker parrot pet, passed away.
She had a very bad depression, it seems like that is very common in those birds, She used to talk a lot and be around all the house hangging out with everybody. Two weeks ago she stopped talking, she was eating good but she was very sad, she refused to come out of the cage, she barely moved.
We gave her everything we could to help her with the depression but nothing worked, she started to bite herself so she began to lose her feathers, she even injured herself bad one time.
On Friday she had a strange look in her eyes, she came out of the cage twice, one with Oscar and one with me and that was it. We covered the cage as every night and in the morning she was gone.
The kids are devastated, Ana Paula woke me up with the news, she told Maya was now in the star with Aby and Pepe (my parents) and Santiago keeps on repeating "Maya is gone".
She was a great pet and filled our family with joy for this 2 years.
We already miss you Maya. Que paso?