Pirate Party!

On Monday was Santiago's b-day. He turned 4! I can't believe he is growing so fast! To celebrate his birthday we did the Nemo and Fair activities on Sunday and on Monday we had a little dinner @ home with some of his friends. They came over and they played and fight for a while! we gave Santi as a b-day present a pitching thing that he loved so he wanted it in the party but didn't wanted to share it with the other boys so we had a lot of arguing. We had pizza and the cake. Let me talk about this absolutelly gorgeous cake. He saw it @ Publix and fell in love with it (me too) so as it was a pirate ship he wanted a piate party. TG I found plates and everything with pirate theme. I got him a cute pirate hat. When we went to pick up the cake his face was too much! he couldn't believe that was his birthday cake, and all the way to the car he kept on telling everyone: it's my birthday look @ my cake! It was too cute.
Well here are some pictures of the party and of my pirate birthday boy!
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