Saturday, June 25, 2005

It amazes me...

how similar Ana Pau and her Daddy are. Not only phisically but also in how they are. I took this picture today at the beach and I love it, they have the same eyes, the same smile and the same look.
We had a great day at the beach, today finally Oscar is enjoyingm life, I think that he is sure that good things are finally comming his way. I hope he is right.
In the meanwhile I keep reminding myself: If life gives you lemons... make lemonade.

Papi y Pau Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

What a week!

What a week we had! The 14th. was our anniversary! 9 years of marriage, I can't believe we've come this far...
Thalia came again to shop to the store on tuesday night so I stayed late after my class, as always she bought all the store.
Yesterday we went out ALONE for the first time in many many months! WOW how I missed to be just a wife and not a mommy at the same time! we had a great time and we got to talk of our things. I hope we can do this more often!
Today was Father's Day!
It's been raining all week long, we went to the beach today but as soon as we got off the car we were attacked by 100000000 mosquitoes, the water was full of jelly fish and the sand had a strange colr, on top of it it started raining so we didn't stay! We ate at home with the kids and hang out all afternoon watching TV.

This week that is starting is a very important for our future, unemployment is knocking our door... again, and this time we can't afford it, not even for a week. Oscar is making some important moves, please pray for things to happen how we want and need.

Maya, our quaker parrot.  Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005

My wish list!

Tonight I have a cold and as I'm working in a class for next week I was thinking of all the times I say the things I would like, tonight I decided to create wish list just in case my Fairy God Mother stops by this blog and wants to give me a little present!
1.- I want desperately a vacation, the beach or a cruise! I really need a rest.
2.- I want a new lens for my camera, a Nikkor 28-200 ED AF
3.- I want a wide format printer the HP or Epson will be fine ;)
4.- A set of reflectors for my photo shoots
5.- Some backdrops and a backdrop stand
6.- A new Scrapbooking Tote, mine is shouting "change me"
7.- An organization system for my scrapbook room, I need paper racks and some shelves to store my supplies.
8.- I want unlimited creativity to be faster in my designs.
10.- I need stability in my life.

Here it is, OK now back to work! keep on dreaming!

Layouts with Paperwerx

This are two Layouts I just finished with the paper line Paperwerx. This new line is really cool I had a lot of fun working with them. I love beeing in this design team!

Signs of summer Posted by Hello

I love having fun Posted by Hello

Monday, June 06, 2005

Me and my camera Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Gold Coast Railroad Museum

Yesterday we were invited to James birthday party at this museum and it was such a great experience to go there! We've been to the zoo tons of times but never seen this museum before and they are one beside the other.
The party was inside a train car, original but unconfortable. James mom gave the kids a hat and a train whistle (see the last 2 pictures) then we visited the museum and all the train they have there including the Presidential Rail Car, U.S. Number 1 Ferdinand Magellan, this train was used by the US Presidents Roosvelt and Truman.
Santi had the time of his life, he loved to see his favorite friend James again and all the "tu tus" (this is how he call the trains), he went up and down every train car and played a lot in the room with model trains. Then we had a private ride in a real train, we missed the ride with the party so we went in the next one and had the luck to be the only ones so we could go back and enjoy the trip outside! Great experience and we learned a lot! If you come to Miami this si a must see place!

Train at the Gold Coast Railroad Museum Posted by Hello

Trains at the Gold Coast Railroad Museum Posted by Hello

Looking back as we leave in the train Posted by Hello

Santi manejando el tren Posted by Hello

Ana Pau maquinista Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 04, 2005

A potty post

I have to confess that I had nothing to do with Ana Paula's potty training, her teachers at school made the whole work, let's say that I just made my part at home but I don't remember it beeing a nightmare as with Santi. Maybe it is because I don't have the help of a teacher but it's been very hard for me.
But today it happened!
We went to a party and when we came home they were ready to take a shower, Santi was already in the shower when he decide that he wanted to pipi, I tried before the shower with a cheerio in the wc but he wouldn't go so I just tuck him into the shower, he came out, all wet of course and sit in his potty for a long time, I was hurring him as I never though he would go but he kept on saying pipi pipi, then he stood up and there it was!!! pipi on the potty! we shouted and clap, Ana Paula is very good at cheering so she was very helpful! we called Daddy who couldn't believe his eyes! Could this be it? Is Santi potty trained? oh no! of course not it was like a little miracle what happened today! after the bath I already changed too dirty, very dirty diapers.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Ana Paula at the beach Posted by Hello

A great day at the beach!

Yesterday was the first day of summer and we welcome the season going to the beach, the day was cloudy but spent there 3 good hours before it started to rain. I took some great pictures! It was a great day, Santiago and Ana Paula played and run and got tired. Good for me!

I am tired!

Summer vacations are here and I am already tired, Santiago is having a bad day/night I think that his frustration because of his speech delay is becoming worst each day, I hope he feels better soon.
Ok today I am starting with this blog thing, I love to read soebody elses blogs but I am not sure if I am ready to let others into my life, anyways they already are because of my journalings in my scapbook pages. I will try to keep this up to date.