Sunday, June 19, 2005

What a week!

What a week we had! The 14th. was our anniversary! 9 years of marriage, I can't believe we've come this far...
Thalia came again to shop to the store on tuesday night so I stayed late after my class, as always she bought all the store.
Yesterday we went out ALONE for the first time in many many months! WOW how I missed to be just a wife and not a mommy at the same time! we had a great time and we got to talk of our things. I hope we can do this more often!
Today was Father's Day!
It's been raining all week long, we went to the beach today but as soon as we got off the car we were attacked by 100000000 mosquitoes, the water was full of jelly fish and the sand had a strange colr, on top of it it started raining so we didn't stay! We ate at home with the kids and hang out all afternoon watching TV.

This week that is starting is a very important for our future, unemployment is knocking our door... again, and this time we can't afford it, not even for a week. Oscar is making some important moves, please pray for things to happen how we want and need.