Tonight I have a cold and as I'm working in a class for next week I was thinking of all the times I say the things I would like, tonight I decided to create wish list just in case my Fairy God Mother stops by this blog and wants to give me a little present!
1.- I want desperately a vacation, the beach or a cruise! I really need a rest.
2.- I want a new lens for my camera, a Nikkor 28-200 ED AF
3.- I want a wide format printer the HP or Epson will be fine ;)
4.- A set of reflectors for my photo shoots
5.- Some backdrops and a backdrop stand
6.- A new Scrapbooking Tote, mine is shouting "change me"
7.- An organization system for my scrapbook room, I need paper racks and some shelves to store my supplies.
8.- I want unlimited creativity to be faster in my designs.
10.- I need stability in my life.
Here it is, OK now back to work! keep on dreaming!