So this is my first approach to the tags game! My dear cyber-friend and awesome photographer Janet Whalen tagged me. I am going to borrow her words to explain this in a clear way:
"So what is "tagging"? Well it's really a fun little game where a photographer/blogger is tagged and thus, must share 8 random facts about him/herself, and then tag 8 more photographers"
Having clarified the rules here are mine:
1) I am left handed.
2) I was born and raised in Mexico City and I am an absolute lover of mexican food and my culture.
3) I love to dress in black! a problem considering I live in FL.
4) I love to wear boots, another problem living in FL. I never get to use them...
5) I love to cook and bake.
6) I worked on TV for almost 10 years for the 2 most important latin TV stations, one in Mexico and the other one here in the States. I was an executive producer and in my free time I was an anchor. My voice was used in several promotions and tv adds.
8) My father was from Spain so all my family from his side lives there
So now I need to tag 8 photographers:
Kelly Vella
Desiree Smock