What a week!

I had a very busy week, starting with the last weekend. My sister Karla came to visit with her friend Jesus. They arrived on friday night and left on Monday morning but they were in a shopping mission. I visited a lot of stores/malls during the weekend, on Saturday we left Walmart at 1 am!
Also on Saturday morningI had the Easter photo shoot at Let's Scrap, we started at 8:30 and finished at 2:00, because of the shopping spree I didn;t have time to work on the pcitures during the weekend and on top of it Oscar left to Mexico on Monday too and took my computer, so I was working with my old (very slow) one. I just finished printing all the pcitures for the class. But I am very happy with the results! I think I have great shots and all my clients are happy with my work. I even received a call from a photographer that saw my pictures and wants me to help him with his weddings! That was very nice and I really needed something like that in this moment.
Here are a few of my favorite photos, the re are a lot good ones, it was very hard to pick only five but here they are:
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