Finally Back!

Today is November the 17 th. and finally yeaterday our life return to normal mode after hurricane Wilma hit us last October, internet, cable and phone are finally back.
This was really a scary experience, we lost power really early during the storm and we got it back 2 weeks after. For the first time in my life we knew what is to be victims of a natural desaster, living without power, food or gas, making huge lines to get some ice, trying to repair the house, which I have to say we are very lucky, we just had minor damage, no severe roof damage or anything like that. I know Ican't complaint, there is a lot of people that suffer much more that us but for me this was the closest experience to being a victim.
Anyways life is back and good things happened during this time too, Halloween, Ana Pau winning the honor roll at school and K's visit. I will post about all these.
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