Destination: MEXICO!

This month we are traveling to Mexico at As you can imagine I loved this destination, especially because I could complete a LO I had in my mind for more that a year. I worked searching for the right pictures and finally got them all on August! just in time for my destination LOS.
The title of this one is MEXICO, THE PLACE I CALL MY HOME
This is one of my favorite LOS so far! I just LOVE the journaling and how it came out.
Journaling reads:
For many people Mexico means fiesta, chiles, good food,beautiful beaches, burritos and guacamole, tequila, fun,cerveza and maracas. Cancun, Acapulco and sombreros.Maybe, for others it means culture, bright colors andtextures, great landscapes and nice people.But for me Mexico means so much moreFor me Mexico is the place where I wasborn, the place where I learned themeaning and importance of theword family., where I learned toadmire the sea, The place whereI learned to love and respectmy country and my flag,where I learned how importantculture and the heritage are, where Ilearned to love and enjoy life and thevalue of friendship and traditions.The place where I learned the meaning of faith in my life. Where I learned the meaning of commitment and what “yes I do” and “forever” mean. The place where I fell in love and where I learned what is being a mommy.The place where I was very happy for a long time.For me Mexico is…The place I call my home
I used a lot of old pictures of myself growing up and becoming who I am. The big picture is the Zocalo in Mexico's City downtown.
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