I am back

After many days of being away from my blog, finally I am back, being away form the blog was kind of being away from myself. A lot happened in this 2 months. Isn't it funny how life can change in just a second?
Well I came back form Mexico after spending a whole week with my mom. She was not doing good but she wasn'y that bad. Today I thank God for giving me the opportunity to spend that week with her. The last week we spent together...
we talked, we laughed, we remembered, we enjoyed and those moments are going to be in my heart forever.
After that week I came back I kept on with my life and on August 18th. the call came. I wasn';t home, I was working for a video production and had this felling for all day. Finally @ 4 my brother reached me, he told me to call my sister, my mom was leaving, I called my sister and she told me that I had reservations for the first flight next day, she told me my mom was leaving us, she was very bad. I couldn't believe it, I told my sister to tell her how muc I love her and how important she was for me. 30 mins later my brother called again and told me to call my sister, my mom just passed away. I can't even remember the moment, my felings, or my pain. I finished my job and went straight home, and cryed all night long.
Next morning I was up in that plane, alone.
I stayed in Mexico for 5 days. The funeral was a very hard moment so as the mass and the ashes ceremony. On Monday the 3 of us went together to my mom's house, it was also a very difficult moment. All these days cahnged my life forever. I don't think I can ever be completely happy, I am not the same person, I need her so much, there are so many things we didn't say, we didn't talk about... and now we can't do it, Not any more.
Mom I hope you knew how important you were in my life and how much I am going to miss you.
This is for you:
Journaling in the tag reads:
“As years go by, I’ve learned that life is tough especially when you are away from your country and from your family. But no matter how hard things get, every time I hug Aby, things just seem to fall in the right place, in her arms I feel so secure and protected, I always find in her the strength I need to carry on and to face whatever life has for me, I feel happy and special.
I hope that you always find in my arms the same joy and comfort that I find in Aby’s arms”
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