Surprise, Surprise!

This weekend was GREAT!, on Saturday I was just doing things @ home and I noticed that Oscar wanted me to be ready, I asked for what? and he said well to go out and get to know our new town... so we hurried up and all of a sudden his phone rang and he told me I have a surprise for you I need to go pick it up, give me 10 minutes... After almost 20 the doorbell rang and there was the surprise! THE IRVINES! I was so exicted to see them, you know I really miss them so much, they are my family so it was really great to see them. We went out to have lunch, then to thier hotel where while the kids had fun swimming in the pool we had fun hanging by the bar, we had a very funny afternoon, we laughed a lot and just enjoy being together (and getting drunk)... then we went to had dinner. On Sunday we went to SeaWorld, we had a blast, we did the rides, Shamu, dolphins, seals, shows, even trick or treating . We were there until 6:30! Today the kids went to school and I had a photoshoot with them, we went to a beautiful park by the lake and Denise found the house of her dreams (no wonder! it is a great house) then we picked the kids from school and went to have lunch. They just left to Miami and I miss them already...
Here are a few photos of the weekend
Here are a few photos of the weekend
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