Thursday, September 07, 2006

And after almost 30 years... I am in Second Grade

When I posted my kids back to school photos I should have posted a picture of myself too! And this is because I am doing 2nd. grade again. It is amazing the amount of homework poor Dona Liber has to do everyday. I sepnd almost 2 hours lately doing homework with her. Math, Science, Spelling, Reading..... everyday. Of course every afternoon is decorated with a huge amount of drama, what can you expect of Dona Liber? It's been only 3 weeks of school and I am tired of redoing 2nd. grade again. I truly don't remember that me (nor my brother or sister) were such a big homework deal for my mom! Anyways what can I do? just sit there and do my homework. But for sure I am going to ask the school for my second grade diploma at the end of the year!