14 again!

Well maybe it makes sense. This is a time of flashbacks... first me doing second grade again and now Roller Skating... I;ve always loved to skate, when I was a little girl and a teen (uuuuuu it's been so long) I was a really good skater. I used to go to Skatorama or Skate Inn in Mexico and I just loved those afternoons. When Oscar and I were dating we bought ore line skates and used to go skating with July and Gibran in Cocoyoc. The I got better skates but when I got pregnant with Santi I stopped skating. A few month ago I found my skates and used them again. sice then I've been trying to use them more often. One day I told Russ that I loved to skate so he told me he had to take me to Hot Wheels to skate and finally on Sunday there we went! It was one of the best sunday afternoons ever. First I used my skates but then I swiched to the 4 wheels ones and the flash back began. I had so much fun. Ana Paula did good too considering it was her first time using 4 wheels skates and Santi was so funny. First he spent all the time in the floor but then he figured it out and and he wanted to make turns, cross his leg, etc. too funny. Madison had a crush on a teen boy and Ana Paula seconded her. Denise couldn't believe her eyes, after all she is only 7 but she knows what she wants and she goes for it! She is an amazing little girl. As I said I had a blast, we rolled and rolled and rolled. Russ surprised me I didn't know he could skate so good! I had a great time. Thanks to the Irvines for this great afternoon.
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