Frist Day of School 06-07

Monday was Ana Paula's and Santi's first day of school. Santi is going to Pau's school, he si big now (well that's what he says). Ana Paula had a hard time finding out that she is ot with Isabella her dear friend but she likes her teacher. Her classroom is right beside Santi'. Santiago's teacher is a witch (I hope she never reads my blog) but with the other kids, she seems to like Santiago and she keept on telling him how handsome he is. I think she likes him because he is the only kid in his classroom that doen't cry and didn't had a hard time letting us go the first day. Actually he didn't care! all the kids were holding their parents legs but Santi... nope he waved good bye, kissed us and went to explore all the room. He turned on the computer and started playing. When we picked them up Ana Pau was more happy, she is with Isabella in french so they get to see each other, plus she made a new friend. Santi was all happy, when he left the room he asked his teacher where was his homework! on the other hand Ana Pau didn' ask for homework but she got homework. I am glad they are back to shcool, what I didn't missed at all was homework and all the tragedy that it involves.... well it is just the beginning of the year so I better get used to it.
Here are the official back to school pictures.
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