no more training wheels!

Ana Paula is not very intrepid, on the other hand I think she is very cautious when it comes to skates, bikes, sports, etc. We've been trying to teach her to ride her bike without trining wheels for months but it alays ends up in a tragedy. hen she got her heelys I realized that it is hen she feel confortable when she tries to do things, I think that with the bike we were pushing very hard and she didn't feel secure. Well on saturday e ent to the park to another drama session, but I talked to Oscar and told him to respect ther times, and it worked!! now she is riding perfectly well. First she had problems stoping and getting down but on Sunday she mastered that too! Of course she fell a couple of times but now she is secure and confident and loving her bike!
She was so proud of herself, here are some pictures.
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