this was worth the day...

Yesterday was my 10th. year wedding anniversary, and I always thought of this day as a very special one, I always imagined we would travel to Paris to renew or vows and that Oscar will ask me to be his wife for 10 more years giving me another ring in the Eiffel Tower.... dreams.
Yes, I know this is a little bit cheese but I am a romantic sentimental no matter what, and I think that after 10 years all the romance and cute details have to be renewed, we've lost all that, how sad! right? This was so wanted that I guess Italked of it a lot and Ana Paula knew that that was what I wanted.
Right now we are going through one of those fases, we don't have anything but problems in all aspects and of course Paris and all that wasn't an option.
So my precious little girl decided that she was going to make my dream come true, and she left a big basket over my bed with a flower, a heart with a little bear and 2 pieces of paper folded very cute with a heart lolly pop, I almost dropped when I unfold one of the drawings. Do you see? she made my dream come true! that is me in the Eiffel Tower and Oscar kneeling down with a ring asking me to be his wife for another 10 years. I was very touched and all I could do was cry. The other drawing shows Oscar giving me a flower.
This little details is what life is all about, I didn't got to go to Paris, nor received a new ring nor was asked to be Oscar's wife for the next 10 years. (I think this 10 had been enought for him) but this was worth the day. Now I realized this was just another day, a day like every other day but I always remember this drawing. Thanks Paui for making me feel so special in this sad day. I love you!
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