Happy Birthday Pau!!!
Eight years ago, in a day like this I became a mommy for the first time. On december 16th. 1998 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Today my little girl turned 8 years old and she is becoming a beautiful young lady. I just can't believe how fast time goes by and how much she has grown.
She got the present she wanted... a beautiful wooden box filled with painting supplies. Then we had her birhtday party @ the Equestrian Club, she had a great time riding Cocoa and she got to pet and feed her favorite horse JD, here are a few photos of the birhtday girl. The Irvines drove all the way from Miami to be with her, she really felt very special.
Pau you know I love and that I am very proud of you and no matter how many years you have you will always be my little girl.
Te amo princesa!

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